A lifeline known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is provided to certain undocumented immigrants who entered the United States as minors and are referred to as “DREAMers.”
With the help of this policy, they can avoid deportation and obtain a work permit, driver’s license, and social security number, allowing them to live and work in the US lawfully and openly.
Every DACA approval has a two-year expiration date and is renewable, offering continuous protection and job prospects. It’s crucial to realize that DACA does not grant citizenship and is not a substitute for a green card.
It provides a temporary fix, not a long-term fix. This article will discuss extensively everything you should know about Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
What are the Requirements for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)?
- Entered the United States unlawfully before their 16th birthday
- Have lived continuously in the United States since June 15, 2007
- Were under age 31 on June 15, 2012 (born on June 16, 1981 or after)
- Were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and at the time of making their request for consideration of deferred action with US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
- Had no lawful status on June 15, 2012
- Have completed high school or a GED, have been honorably discharged from the armed forces, or are enrolled in school
- Have not been convicted of a felony or a serious misdemeanor, or three or more other misdemeanors, and do not otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety
The Supporting Documents for DACA
- Proof of identity: This could be in the form of a passport, birth certificate, state-issued photo ID, military ID, or school ID.
- Proof you came to the United States before age 16: This could include a copy of your passport with a stamp, your Form I-94, any INS documents with date of entry, travel records, school records, hospital or medical records, and official religious ceremony documents
- Proof of established residence before age 16, if you left the US and returned later: Acceptable documents include school records, employment records, tax returns, bank letters, or employment verification.
- Proof of residency since June 2007: This could include payment receipts, utility bills, employment records, tax returns, school records, medical records, money orders for money sent in and out, birth certificates of children born in the US, dated bank transactions, car receipts/title/registration, and insurance policies
- Documents to prove any absences from the US since 2007 were brief, casual, and innocent: Acceptable documents include a plane ticket, passport entries, hotel receipts, or evidence of travel intent
- Proof of presence in the US on June 15, 2012: This could include rent payment receipts, utility bills, employment records, tax returns, school records, medical records, money orders for money sent in and out, birth certificates of children born in the US, dated bank transactions, car receipts/title/registration, and insurance policies
- Proof of no lawful status on June 15, 2012: Form I-94 with expiration date, final order of removal or deportation as of June 15, 2012, or Department of Homeland Security (DHS) document about removal proceedings
- Proof of current education, graduation, GED, or military service: Acceptable documents include current enrollment in elementary, middle, high school, or home school; education or literacy program, GED program, college/university/community college; diplomas, transcripts showing graduation date, and dates of enrollment
- Proof of honorably discharged veteran status: Form DD-214, NGB Form 22, military personnel records, or health records
- Proof of removal proceedings: Copy of the removal order, any document issued by the immigration judge, or the final decision of the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA)
- Proof of Criminal history: An original or court-certified copy of the court order vacating, setting aside, sealing, deleting, or otherwise removing the arrest or conviction; an official statement from the arresting agency that no charges were filed; or, if charges were filed or you were found guilty, a copy of the entire arrest record and disposition for each incident.
How to Apply for DACA
If this is your first time applying for DACA, you will need to:
- Complete Form I-821D (officially called “Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals”) and Form I-765 (officially called “Application for Employment Authorization Document”)
- Mail USCIS the forms and fees (currently $750).
- Set up and attend a biometrics appointment at a local USCIS Application Support Center.
DACA Renewal
USCIS advises that DACA recipients file requests for renewal between 120 and 150 days before the expiration of their present DACA. These requirements must be fulfilled to submit a DACA renewal request:
- Applicant did not depart the United States on or after Aug. 15, 2012, without a valid travel document (Form I-131)
- Applicant has continuously resided in the United States since submitting their most recent approved DACA request.
- The applicant has not been convicted of a felony, a serious misdemeanor, or three or more misdemeanors and does not threaten national security or public safety.
How to Renew
Complete and sign Form I-821D and Form I-765. You must also provide a renewal fee of $750. Furthermore, you will provide additional documents such as:
- Proof of updated deportation or removal proceedings since the initial application
- Proof of any additional criminal history since the initial application
Check the USCIS website, which has put together some valuable tips on renewing DACA, including filing on time and submitting all the needed forms and documents.
What are the Benefits of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)?
- ︎Protection from Deportation: DACA grants a rescue from deportation, allowing recipients to live in the United States without worrying about being removed from a country they might not remember or consider home.
- Work Authorization: Recipients receive a work permit to work legally in the United States. This opens up opportunities for better-paying jobs, career advancement, and the ability to support themselves and their families.
- Access to Education: While DACA does not provide federal financial aid, recipients can attend college and qualify for state or institutional financial aid and scholarships in certain states. This access to education allows them to pursue higher education and improve their job prospects.
- Social Security Number: DACA recipients are issued a Social Security Number (SSN), essential for many aspects of life in the US, including employment, banking, and identification.
- Driver’s Licenses and State IDs: DACA recipients can apply for a driver’s license or state identification card in most states, facilitating mobility and access to services.
- Access to Healthcare: While DACA recipients are not eligible for federal healthcare programs like Medicaid, having legal status and an SSN may increase their access to healthcare services through employers or private insurance.
- Protection of Status: Being a DACA recipient protects against accruing “unlawful presence,” which can have future immigration consequences.
- Renewability: DACA status and benefits are renewable every two years, offering continued protection and work authorization, assuming the recipient remains eligible.
- Path to Other Immigration Relief: For some, DACA can serve as a stepping stone to other forms of immigration relief that may lead to lawful permanent residency, especially when combined with changes in circumstances or marriage to a US citizen.
- Increased Economic and Social Integration: With the ability to work, study, and live openly in the US, DACA recipients can more fully integrate into American society, contributing to the economy and their communities.
Final Thoughts
DACA is a stopgap solution to the problem that thousands of young people without documentation face in the United States.
These young people risk deportation to countries where they haven’t resided since they were very small and are unable to work lawfully in the US without DACA.
Thanks to DACA, they can now legally work, climb the social ladder, and enjoy enough security to continue their studies and make plans.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are DACA students eligible for financial aid?
DACA students are not eligible for federal financial aid. However, they may be able to access financial assistance at the local or state level. Some states allow DACA students to receive in-state aid as part of their tuition.
Are DACA recipients US citizens or lawful permanent residents?
DACA recipients are not US citizens or lawful permanent residents. The program does not grant them official legal status or a pathway to citizenship. However, a DACA recipient may be eligible for a marriage green card under certain conditions.
Are DACA recipients able to travel?
DACA recipients can apply for authorization to travel outside the United States. Known as Advance Parole, this document allows DACA recipients to travel abroad only for employment, educational, or humanitarian purposes. USCIS does not consider travel for vacation a valid purpose.
Are DACA recipients eligible for Medicaid?
Adult DACA recipients who meet the income and other Medicaid requirements are eligible for coverage in California, Minnesota, and New York. Some other states offer limited Medicaid benefits to DACA recipients.