Why would anyone be cruel and unkind to animals especially dogs who have sworn to us their loyalty, love, and companionship? This is a question that pops up and bothers the mind of the smaller proportion of the human populace who cares about what happens to them and wants them to be safe regardless as they truly and truly deserve the best of the best.
Even though it breaks our heart to bring to you yet another story of an abandoned dog just as we’ve done a couple of times, it’s an inevitable thing in this day and age as most dogs are now subjected to the worse of worse than brings tears to all of our eyes. This is the story of Holly, a golden retriever who went through a seriously painful and heartbreaking series of unfortunate circumstances that are extreme for a dog.
Holly was only a puppy, fresh off her mother’s milk when she was carried away from the crate where she was given birth to by her mother who was only a breeding dog to their owner, she was sold at only 4 weeks post birth breaching the code of practice of keeping dogs and code of conduct for breeding and rearing establishment which states that “state that puppies must not be separated from the mother before seven weeks of age and not sold or given away before eight weeks of age”. But this was the least of worries for dear little Holly because she was starting a new life alone and lonely with no sign of happiness in her future, away from her mother and siblings.
In this new home, unsure and uncertain of how she would be received, she panicked but was surprised when her new parents kissed her and rubbed her head to give her a warm welcome into their home. That gesture warmed her heart and she knew she was going to do well in this new home than she had earlier anticipated.
The first couple of weeks post-arrival were entirely enjoyable for Holly as her new parents loved her and did everything possible to ensure that she felt the love they had for her. She was having a great time at the new home and was happy she ended up in this kind of home, one she could only hope would be the same case for her siblings that she was separated from without having proper bonding.
As much as this new home has become a part of her life, it soon came crashing down one day as the couple decided to relocate, sadly, Holly wasn’t a part of their plan for starting a new life in another country so they felt the need to get rid of her. Why do people adopt or buy dogs only to leave them behind and not surrender them to the appropriate quarters instead so the dog can get a new and happy life if they no longer want them? That’s a question that will remain unanswered for a long time as no one can read the minds of the perpetrators. As you must have guessed by now, they drove far away from the home and abandoned him in a small village. Holly confused and heartbroken kept waiting that they would come back for her. She would sit there, not eating nor moving, only waiting, barking at every passing vehicle thinking they were her owners and they had come for her.
While she awaits their return, something more sad than her abandonment happened that changed the course of her life’s trajectory. Some teenagers passed her every day and one day, no one knew how they got their hands on acid as they spilled the acid onto one of her legs and left her there not attempting to get her help. To say Holly was in pain is an understatement, she would cry and whimper calling for anyone’s help but no one came to her rescue. Not wanting to give up, she started walking around while dragging the affected leg that got burnt from the flesh through the bone and writhing in agony. The wound soon became infected with worms which made her pains even worse. It was such a heartbreaking sight to see that her cries went unheard for days. A good Samaritan who came to visit couldn’t resist lending a helping hand to Holly and she called the nearest animal rescue center to help her as soon as possible as it was a matter of urgency.
As soon as the rescue workers came, Holly was handled with care and relief was evident in her eyes even though she was still in pain, she was happy to be getting help finally. She was rushed to the clinic and she was attended to with a matter of urgency and concern. As the doctor got to work, it was such a sad sight to see him get out the dirt and maggots from the wounds as he cleaned them. Even though she was in pain, she sat still not complaining in any way letting them help her just as she had wanted at the beginning of the dilemma. She was put on the appropriate antibiotics to combat the infection and painkillers to ease the pain she was in.
To give Holly a chance at a pain-free, healthy, and longer life, the leg was judged as imperil to her health and it had to be amputated. It was melancholy news but what had to be done had to be done for Holly’s sake. Holly was placed on a special diet to help her regain strength against the surgery as she had grown skinny and emaciated over the time she was alone there. Though she was still traumatized by the heartbreak from the abandonment and subsequent acid trauma, her eyes got brighter as the rescuers let her know that they loved her and that she was capable of being loved in return. It wasn’t her fault that all the bad things happened to her. Everyone who showered her with love and affection in every way possible before the surgery and after surgery. At first, everyone worried about how she was going to cope with three legs now the left front leg was no longer there but as they observed and monitored her post-surgery, she was already showing signs of adaptation. Despite that the surgery went well, Holly developed complications and the wounds wouldn’t heal so sadly, she had to undergo reconstructive surgery. The rescuers were assured that she was going to be fine post-surgery this time as they would ensure she came back to full health.
After ensuring her recovery was going exceptionally well, Holly was taken to the shelter to give her a second chance at a new life, everyone at the shelter was waiting outside for those who brought Holly in and they gave her a standing ovation for having survived that ordeal and to encourage her that she could be better in life. With surprising agility, Holly started adjusting and adapting her three legs into her day-to-day life and also joining other shelter dogs who had welcomed her warmly into their midst in playing around the fields. It was such a happy sight to see Holly become her old self.
She was energetic, full of life, and everything a normal dig without trauma or three legs would be. Everyone was surprised to see her positively change so much in a couple of weeks she had been at the shelter. She was feeding well and was becoming what a three-year-old dog should look like instead of how she was found skinny and emaciated.
Though she was living a happy life at the shelter with the other dogs, everyone wanted her to get personalized love, affection, and companionship from a parent. It was a contrasting thing to want for her as they were also worried no one might want her and they didn’t want her to go back to a terrible life where she would need saving once again.
She was put in foster care, surprisingly her foster mom who had been a part of the rescuers and had seen her grow back into a loving and caring dog decided to adopt her and give her the utmost love and care.
It was a perfect choice, everyone’s worry vanished and they knew she was in good hands.
A couple of months into a new home, anyone who wasn’t there when they were trying to save her and had seen only pictures would never believe it was the same dog as she had changed into a very healthy and happy dog, the only thing that would give her away was her leg which never hindered her growth and happiness in life.
Holly continues to live a fun-filled, happy, and healthy lifestyle to date.